Thursday, September 28, 2006

My New Nickname

Tech for The Foreigner went incredibly smooth!! We teched all of Act One in three hours!! I was very proud!

In Act Two, Scene Two there are a lot of special effects. The last one is a car explosion. Now keep in mind that during rehearsals part of my job is to yell out the sound effects when they come up. So for instance the scene will be going along and I yell "Thunder!!" or "car driving up." We had cued this entire explosion sequence but just have not run it. I take the cue when Field (playing Froggy) pushes down the plunger... something I have seen in rehearsal for WEEKS. Here is what happened on headset...

JESS: Electrics 45, Sound 90 and Deck... (Froggy Pushes Plunger) Boom!... I didn't say "Go" did I??
JESS: I said "Boom" didn't I?

So the entire Electrics department started calling me Boom Boom. I LOVE IT... now that's not to be confused with Bam Bam... that I would not love so much... right Donna and SGS??

I have embraced this nickname so whole-heartedly that the DJ at the Karaoke bar I go to with my interns now calls me Boom Boom.

Monday, September 25, 2006

New Favorite Quote

Today on my dinner break I snuck into the back of the Theatre Lab to catch the last part of the final performance of Irene Wurtzel's In the Mood. I saw the play in week two of the run but today I found a quote that spoke to me in a new way today. I think its a beautiful metaphor for many things.

At the end of the play Jennifer, an artist says,
"Sculpting means removing, chipping away at everything that isn’t the positive image within the stone. And with every piece, there is at least one OH NO moment, when the stone cracks or something falls off. The first time it happened, I was sure that I had ruined the stone and I’d never find the sculpture hidden within. Not anymore. Now I know that if I give it some time, and keep chipping away, I’m likely to find another image inside, one that is far different and possibly more beautiful than the one I began working on."

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A New Link

I just added a new link to my blog in an effort to start spreading the word about a Broadway show that opens September 28th at the Helen Hayes Theatre.

The show is Jay Johnson: The Two and Only. Jay Johnson is a fantastically talented ventriloquist who was on the classic TV show Soap.

This show got great reviews and was an audience favorite in LA, Burbank, Boston, and Off-Broadway at the Atlantic Theatre Company. This show has been developing for the past two years and the team behind it is very passionate about it.

If you are going to New York check this show out!! Also check out the website for the show

I know you are all wondering how I know so much about this show?? It is being produced by my friend Mr. Stewart F. Lane.

Monday, September 04, 2006


I hate getting up early in the morning but I did not mind being up at 8 am this morning to let the carpet people in.
By Noon they were done and we all went downstairs to admire the beautiful thing covering the gross cement we had gotten used to.
Its a beautiful green that works really well in the room (Jenny chose the color).
Its light enough that it doesnt suck all the light out of an already dark room and yet its dark enough that stains wont pop out at you.
Jenny will be home soon and we are going to go pick out a cheap (in case this happens again) entertainment center so we can start
rebuilding our basement...
reclaiming our house...
moving on with our frickin' lives...
and start cleaning so we can throw a house warming party
(yes I am aware its almost been a year!!)
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