Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Yeah its been a while again!!


And a lot has happened. An Enemy of the People is now closed. It was such a terrific show! I made many new friends that I know I will have for a long time (Summer, Bald Eagle, Bradley & Sean to name a few). It was hard saying goodbye. Its funny, when you do this long enough the post-show blues come less and less... So when you find yourself in a rut on closing day you know that it was a special group. It must have been because I was in a hell of a funk on Sunday!!

Part of it I know was saying goodbye to Summer... Let me tell you what an awesome ASM and friend she is... Well, take my word for it. One of the best and it was sad to see her go. All I can say is the next time I am in Oklahoma she better damn well be in Arkansas!!

The little bit of positive excitement on Sunday was that at 8:30am (that's not the exciting part) they workers were coming to install our new carpet!! Yes it has been over two months since the great flood of '06 and we still have no carpet and broken windows!! But it was finally going to happen. Carpet downstairs... Office put back together... House put back together... LIVES put back together!!!

BUT at about 9:30am we got a call saying the carpet company had called the management to say there was a problem and could they come by on Tuesday?

I was fuming!!! No they couldn't come on Tuesday!! No there was not another time this week!! Here's why... Jenny started My Fair Lady rehearsals at Signature on Tuesday, I started prep for The Foreigner on Tuesday (and no matter what people think... A prep week is NOT a vacation week) and Munsen is not only working M-F full time at Sig but she now has a part time job at Borders! So there is really hardly any time that we are home.

So now they are going to install our new carpet on Labor Day at 8am. Fine with me... I just want my damn carpet!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Crazy Lady Saturday

We had a CRAZY DAY at Olney on Saturday. It all started in the afternoon show with a crazy lady who... well... below are excepts from the performance reports that day.

Now this will make more sense if you have seen the show... but for those who havent... we break the fourth wall and in the fourth act the action takes place in the audience.


Acts 1-3 were fantastic. Nothing out of the ordinary… good house and great performances… then comes ACT THE FOURTH!!! It started out like a regular act four, a few women in the balcony said something about not wanting a chairman so Jeffries said, “Well, this woman is with me and demands a chairman!” It was fun and we all thought “This is gonna be a great act.” Little did we know… When the Mayor started his speech at the top of the act a fiery red headed woman in the third row started yelling, “Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor! Let the Doctor speak.” Jim tried to calm her down for a while but she kept carrying on about wanting to hear what the doctor has to say and how this was not the Mayors meeting. Nothing was working. At one point she said, “Mr. Mayor we paid good money to hear the doctor speak!” to which Slaughter replied, “Well if you don’t hear him speak you can get your money back.” She was still not satisfied. The Mayor even said to the Doctor, “You’re a doctor, can’t you give her a pill?” and from the audience came, “No! Give the Mayor a sedative.” Eventually Chris was able to convince her (after some hard work) that if she let the Mayor speak he would be allowed to say his peace. It was truly unbelievable. The rest of the cast scattered throughout the house did a fantastic job of holding it together but we were all DYING!!! Thanks to the leadership of this woman the entire audience was on the side of the doctor and there was a great deal of hissing when the vote was “counted.” Needless to say she was the “clearly intoxicated woman.” A different woman jumped in when the Mayor started protesting the “personal allusions.” She told the Mayor to let the doctor speak to which he replied, “He’s been ‘speaking’ for twenty minutes!”


ACT THE FOURTH PART TWO: NOT AGAIN- There was a gentleman in the front row with a whole side act planned. He had a bottle of water “from the town’s spring” that he wanted the Mayor to drink if he was that confident in the fallacy of Dr. Stockmann’s report. Both Jim and Chris handled the situation very well and at one point the Doctor even said to the Mayor who was willing to drink the bottle, “As much as I would enjoy the outcome, I cant let you drink that Peter.”

Saturday, August 12, 2006

So Very Funny

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Flood '06

So I started out to do a little reflection piece to accompany these pictures that I have promised but I realized that my friends are probably tired of hearing about it. Here are the pictures...

I only just now saw the water line on the top drawer of the file cabinet!! Thats CRAZY!!

In the event of a water landing my desk cahir can be used as a floatation device!

Monday, August 07, 2006

A New Link

I am proud to announce a new link. I believe I might be the first of the blogging actor to have worked with young man to link his blog. Check out the blog of Mr. J. Bradley Bowers!!

Brad was recently seen in Assassins at Signature and he was fantastic. He can currently be seen in An Enemy of the People at The Olney Theatre Center. He is a fantastic actor, a great kid and a neat friend.

(Didnt mean to make you cry Gail) :)

Friday, August 04, 2006

All in all he liked it!!

Well, what do you know...
I'll take that!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Getting back to Normal

I know it has been forever and I don't even know who is still reading this...

I am sitting here at 10:45am and have been since 8am with people in our basement replacing the drywall in Nancy's bathroom. Its the first step to putting our house and our lives back!! Still to come is the new carpet (a nice sage green) and new windows. I also need to take advantage of the "no carpet" time and paint the bookshelves my dad built for me years ago. After the carpet is in we get to do some CHEAP furniture shopping since we have to replace the entertainment center and office furniture.

So... Basement... Backyard... PARTY!!!

An Enemy of the People is going really well. We have received really nice ink in both the Washington Times and the Post. The City Paper review comes out today. I have not seen it and honestly I don't really care. Mr. Boy was VERY LATE, arrogant and rude. He showed up late to a packed performance and had to take the only seat we had left... all the way house right in the balcony. It seemed that he really got into the show and I'm glad. Audiences are really getting into this show. Its fun to see their reactions to Ibsen's Act Four (the town meeting).

Please come see this show. Its smart and has outstanding performances!!
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