A Fantastic Movie

I wish I had seen it sooner. I saw the German film "The Lives of Others". It was so good. Some really great performances. It is in German so those of you that enjoy reading your movies... sorry!
It's an exciting film that is very important to see in the Patriot Act world we live in. Granted this is set in the 1980's it is quite scary. To think that it was really like this in Germany... and to think that it is where we might be headed.

I really hope that I have the opportunity to see it again. There are few performances out there like Ulrich Muhe (pictured).
I do love going to E Street Cinema. I always sit through the previews with a little notebook so I can jot down the names of the films I want to come back to see.
So far I have seen some top notch films that I would not have even heard of had I not seen the previews at the theatre. Its a shame that these films (mostly foreign and independent) are not publicized more than they are.