The new CPAP mask I ordered back at the end of MAY finally arrived!
What an ordeal it was. I finally found the one competent person who works at Aprea health care in that department. I ordered the mask in May and asked for it to be shipped to Mom and Dad's house in Oklahoma since I would be there for Taren's wedding. That gave them till July 8th for it to get there. By the time I left it was not there. So I called back on the 9th and asked to have it shipped to Hoboken since I would be there till the 3rd of August... nothing.
I get back to DC on Monday night. Tuesday I called. I am going to be here through the end of September... now three days and two nights later it arrived!
Where was this service back in May! I could have been sleeping since I got to Oklahoma!!
Needless to say I am very excited for some sleep tonight!