Thats right a skunk... and I dont mean that figuratively... Literally.
Last Wednesday after Lost we were hanging out in the Boardman when my sister called. Betsy went up to visit Erin in her room and I took the call outside. Taren and I had been on the phone about twenty minutes. I was just pacing back and forth between the Boardman and the Lawton. All of the sudden I hear this AWFUL noise coming from the side of the house. I look and see two skunks beside the house (on Erin's side) fighting. I was in the middle of telling Taren what was going on when one of the skunks starts running straight towards me... so I ran... and he ran.... and I ran. Finally I jumped into the house.
Meanwhile the girls are up in Erin's room with the window open and they hear the noise and begin to speculate on what it was. Then they start to smell that odor we all know so well so they closed the window and lit a candle. They are laughing and Betsy even made some comment about me getting sprayed.
As soon as I got inside I sat down in the living room and sent both of them a text message describing the ordeal. Less than ten seconds after hitting send on my phone I hear riotous laughter coming from the next floor. Erin called me up so they could both laugh at me...
It was pretty funny... I'd never been chased by a skunk before... dont think I ever want to again...