Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Debate Thoughts

McCain says, "I am not President Bush."  I say, "BULLSHIT!!"

Who is McCain flirting with?  He keeps batting his eyes at the camera.

From a CNN Blog:  "The country always took pride in its diversity and the ‘melting pot’ was actually considered a strength of this great nation…however it is disturbing to see that many illiterate and/or ignorant Americans can still NOT SEE beyond a candidates appearance and background……"  This is so true.  Its sad to see that this great country is still full of people who are too closed minded, ignorant and uneducated to see past the color of skin or a person's middle name.  Terrorist my ass!  McCain scares me more than any actual terrorist ever has!

John McCain Wednesday praised his running mate, Sarah Palin as a "role model to women everywhere" and a "reformer" when challenged to defend her qualifications to be president.
UMMM... NO! "She's not a role model and reformer, she's a model and a performer."

McCain's smirk and cartoon villain sounding cackle is sounding very unpresidential.

So McCain just said that he thinks if you are in the military you shouldn't have to take the tests to become a STATE CERTIFIED TEACHER?!?!  Now there are MANY MANY people in the military who would be kick ass teachers... but then there are many who should not teach anyone about anything!  Being in the military should not be a blank check to teach our children.

Nice work tonight Future President Obama!!

I am still proud to support you and getting prouder with every passing day!!


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