Sunday, June 08, 2008

Oh What A Night!!

So tonight I won the online Virtual Line (for those familiar with Rush tickets, its like an online lottery) for Hamlet at Shakespeare in the Park... in Central Park... NYC, YES THE SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK!!

I have always wanted to go but due to working out of town in the summer or not living in NYC I have never been able to go. It was amazing.

First of all being in the Delacorte theatre was just cool. This is a major place in American Theatre History!! I had great seats and it almost rained but, thank God, it didn't.

Second, it was a glorious production of Hamlet. I have seen several and this was by far the best. Oskar Eustis has always been a director I have been a big fan of... now he is on my "Must Work With Before I Retire" list. The entire cast was stunning. I would love to go into more details but I just don't have the words.

If you live in New York or plan on visiting you must do your best to see this production.


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